2. Vessel Evacuation:
In many process applications it is necessary
to evacuate a vessel for the purpose of
purging gases, leak testing and degassing
viscous fluids. It may also be simply the
length of tubing between the generator and
cup that needs to be evacuated.
Knowing the generator's evacuation speed
will help determine process completion
time or the production rate of a pick &
place system. To find the speed, use the
evacuation charts listed in the performance
data for each venturi generator. Note that
the charts are based on a volume of one
cubic foot or one liter of volume to a given
vacuum level in "Hg or mbar.
1. Determine the total volume to be
evacuated – vessel and/or vacuum lines
(cu. .), 1728 cu. in = 1 cu. .
2. Desired vacuum level Hg [mbar] is
determined by customer
3. Time to reach vacuum level (seconds) –
determined by customer
For more information or for additional configurations,
please contact us at NASInsideSales@imi-precision.com