Norgren Collateral

z8551CT_Norgren Vacuum Generator Solutions

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POROUS OBJECT TO VACUUM SOURCE MATCHING AREAS A 1 A 2 A 3 A 2 A 1 = ( A 2 + A 2 ) = ( A 3 + A 3 + A 3 + A 3 ) A 3 A 3 A 3 MATCHING AREAS AIR FLOW AIR FLOW POROUS OBJECT AIR FLOW AIR FLOW TO VACUUM SOURCE Proper Design Improper Design Plumbing a vacuum system is very similar to a municipal water distribution system where the lines closest to the generator are the largest and get smaller as they get to your house (vacuum cup/vessel). The area of each branch of tubing should match that of the next branch and the main trunk line should be sized to handle the maximum flow. Remember that just a small change in diameter causes a large change in area — a 2x change in diameter increases the area 4x. 06 For more information or for additional configurations, please contact us at To ensure an efficient vacuum system, emphasis should be placed on the vacuum flow path beginning with the object being handled or vessel being evacuated and ending at the vacuum source. Improper sizing of the system components is the most common vacuum system design flaw that we have seen in the field. Vacuum is a low pressure power source (max value of 14.7 PSI, [1 bar]) whose effectiveness is easily reduced by restrictions from tubing, valves, fittings, etc. An excellent analogy is a person trying to breathe through a cocktail straw. It's almost impossible to survive because the small flow path will not allow enough air to reach your lungs. A drinking straw with its larger flow path let's you breathe much easier by allowing more air flow. To determine if your system is restricting vacuum flow, place a vacuum gauge at the generator. If the gauge reads vacuum when nothing is connected to the suction cup or a vessel is not attached, the system is restricting flow. If the system is not working, i.e. not picking up a porous object or not evacuating a vessel fast enough, a larger vacuum generator will not fix the system until the flow path size is increased. In applications where a restriction cannot be eliminated, i.e. when deflating a ball prior to shipping – use a vacuum source that can generate a high vacuum level. Norgren H Series generators provide the fastest evacuation possible. HOW VACUUM GENERATORS WORK

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